Corporate Packaging Holding Company | Houston, Texas | Strategic Communication Package

the problem

  • Cohesive messaging across companies

  • Strategic goals out of alignment

  • Sharing environmental impact programs

  • Poor website navigation and vague messaging


A parent company came to me looking for cohesive messaging across their five sub companies and enhanced sustainability messaging.  Each of the companies’ websites were very different and you would not know they all fell under the same umbrella.  All of the messaging was very vague, and their business function was not clear.  The company also had a number of high-profile, blue-chip customers that needed to be able to report to their investors and customers that their supplier’s sustainability practices were at the highest level.

the solution

  • Comprehensive audit

  • Full website overhaul

  • Clear, concise messaging that attracts the ideal client

  • Quantified environmental impacts and goals


I performed a full audit of all five subsidiaries websites as well as the parent company site.  The audit brought the inconsistencies to the forefront, highlighting the issues with unclear messaging, the use of too many obvious stock photos, and no strong call-to-action buttons.  Once we were able to understand the key issues, we could create a roadmap for how to fix the issues, creating a common site map, more concise language and photos that reflect the content.

When it comes to sustainability, the company was already doing a number of environmental, social and governance practices that just needed to be incorporated into their messaging.  There were also synergies between the companies that limited waste and reduced emissions and those need to be highlighted.  Additionally, the programs they did highlight needed some quantitative figures to highlight their impact and goals.  Once we were able to understand the practices they already had in place, we were able to weave them into the messaging and created sustainability pages on each of the sites to drive home all of the things they were doing to be a responsible and sustainable company. 

the outcome

  • Constant messaging across company websites

  • Brand consistency that attracted new clients

  • Defined ESG practices that retained existing large clients


Once we were able to create some consistency across the companies’ website and clear, concise messaging the company was able to start attracting new customers. Moreover, they were able to retain some of their largest existing customers, such as Walmart, because they were able to better explain how their sustainability practices and environmental impacts were in alignment with Walmarts ESG requirements.

 Let’s Work Together